Fortress of Litharitsia
It is in the centre of the city of Ioannina close to the Archaeological Museum of Ioannina. It was built in 1805 by Ali Passia, who transfered the capital of his state and his palace in this region. The space was larger that time and were built another two palaces for his sons. Mouchtar and Vellis (at the today’s position of the VIII Merarchy and the Arcaheological Museum).
The three palaces were described the English researchers of that period, Leak and Holland. The palaces were destroyed in 1820 during the siege of Ali Passia by Choursit.
Nowadays are saved the walls of the fortress and its underground floor. The founder of the Association of Researches of Epirus K. Frontzos reconstructed the area which today is place of entertainment. From the old buliding is nowadays saved only its base and a part of the walls.