Byzantine church of St. Vasileios in the city of Arta
The Byzantine church of St. Vasileios Βis located close to the church of St. Theodora, inside the city of Arta, at the district “Tourkopazaro”. It was built in the beggining of the 15th century, but because of its techique some claim that was probably built during the 13th century. Close to the main church there are also the churches of St. Gregory and Ioannis Chrysostomos, that commumicate inside with the central church.
Except for the wallpaintings σinside the Church significant is also the portable icon of Virgin Mary with Christ on the iconostasis, of Cretan art. It is about a church whose ceramic decoration, the glass tiles and its bivalve windows make it a real piece of work. Impressive are also the icons of glazed clay that show the Crucifixion and Three Ierarchs that there are on the top of the east side of the roof.
The wallpaintings of the church date back to the 17th century. Its roof was burnt in 1821. The only thing we know from its history is that in its yard was located the Manolakis school from 1662 to 1821.